Java Programming

Comprehensive Java Programming: From Basics to Advanced Mastery

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Java Programming

Course description

The Java Programming Fundamentals course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the Java programming language, one of the most wide...

The Java Programming Fundamentals course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the Java programming language, one of the most widely used and versatile languages in the software development industry.

What you’ll learn

Java Application Development Apply your newfound skills by developing a full-fledged Java application. This project integrates Java programming concepts covered throughout the course.


Introduction to Java (4 lectures)
1. Understanding the Java programming language

2. Setting up Java Development Kit (JDK) and an IDE

3. Writing your first Java program

4. Writing your first Java program

Control Structures and Functions (4 lectures)
1. Variables, data types, and basic operators

2. Loops (for, while, do-while)

3. Methods and functions

4. Recursive programming

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics (4 lectures)
1. Principles of object-oriented programming

2. Classes, objects, and constructors

3. Inheritance and polymorphism

4. Encapsulation and data hiding

Advanced OOP Concepts (4 lectures)
1. Interfaces and abstract classes

2. Packages and access modifiers

3. Exception handling and error management

4. Design patterns and best practices

Java Collections Framework (4 lectures)
1. Introduction to collections (lists, sets, maps)

2. Working with ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, and HashMap

3. Iteration and manipulation of collection data

4. Comparators and sorting

Comparators and sorting (4 lectures)
1. Reading from and writing to files

2. Byte streams and character streams

3. Serialization and deserialization

4. Exception handling in file operations

Multithreading and Concurrency (4 lectures)
1. Understanding threads and concurrency

2. Creating and managing threads

3. Synchronization and thread safety

4. Executors and thread pools

Networking and Remote Communication (4 lectures)
1. Basics of networking in Java

2. Socket programming for client-server communication

3. URL handling and HTTP connections

4. Introduction to RESTful services

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) (4 lectures)
1. Connecting to databases using JDBC

2. Executing SQL queries and statements

3. Handling result sets and transactions

4. Connection pooling for performanc

JavaFX and Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) (4 lectures)
1. Introduction to JavaFX for building desktop applications

2. Creating UI elements, layouts, and controls

3. Event handling and user interaction

4. Styling and enhancing the GUI experience

Advanced Java Topics (4 lectures)
1. Reflection and dynamic class loading

2. Annotations and metadata

3. Generics and type erasure

4. Memory management and garbage collection

Java Best Practices and Performance Optimization (4 lectures)
1. Code quality and readability

2. Debugging and profiling tools

3. Memory and CPU optimization techniques

4. Unit testing and test-driven development (TDD)

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Java??

Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle). It is known for its platform independence and is often used for building web applications, mobile apps, and more.

2. What are the basic data types in Java??

The fundamental data types in Java, such as int, double, boolean, and char.

3. Do I need prior programming experience to enroll in the Java course at DSM Academy??

The Java course at DSM Academy is designed for both beginners and those with some programming experience. It covers fundamental concepts and gradually progresses to more advanced topics.

4. What are the prerequisites for the Java course, in terms of software and hardware requirements??

To take the Java course, you'll need a computer with internet access. DSM Academy provides guidance on setting up the necessary software and development environment as part of the course.

5. Are there any practical projects or assignments in the course??

Yes, the Java course at DSM Academy includes practical projects and assignments to reinforce your learning. These hands-on exercises help you apply what you've learned in real-world scenarios.

6. Can I get assistance and support from instructors during the course??

Absolutely! DSM Academy provides support through instructors, discussion forums, and sometimes live sessions. Instructors are available to answer questions and provide guidance.

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