Frontend Developer

A frontend course, often referred to as front-end development or web development course, is designed to teach students the skills and knowledge needed to create the user interface and user experience of a website or web application.

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Frontend Developer

Course description

Frontend Development Fundamentals is an introductory course designed to equip students with the essential skills and concepts required to create en...

Frontend Development Fundamentals is an introductory course designed to equip students with the essential skills and concepts required to create engaging and user-friendly websites and web applications. In this course, students will explore the principles of web design, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build interactive and responsive user interfaces.

What you’ll learn

Upon completion of this course, students will have the foundational knowledge and practical experience to create visually appealing and interactive web interfaces, making them well-prepared for further studies or entry-level positions in frontend development.


Introduction to Frontend Development (3 lectures)
1. Understanding the Role of Frontend Development

2. Web Development Ecosystem Overview

3. Importance of User Experience (UX) in Web Design

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) (4 lectures)
1. Introduction to HTML

2. HTML Document Structure

3. HTML Elements and Tags

4. HTML Forms and Input Elements

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) (5 lectures)
1. Introduction to CSS

2. CSS Syntax and Selectors

3. Styling Text and Fonts

4. Box Model and Layout

5. Responsive Web Design with CSS

JavaScript Fundamentals (5 lectures)
1. Introduction to JavaScript

2. Variables, Data Types, and Operators

3. Control Structures: Conditionals and Loops

4. Functions and Scope

5. Event Handling and DOM Manipulation

Document Object Model (DOM) (4 lectures)
1. Understanding the DOM

2. Selecting DOM Elements

3. Modifying DOM Elements

4. Creating Interactive Web Pages

Web Development Tools (3 lectures)
1. Introduction to Code Editors (e.g., Visual Studio Code)

2. Using Browser Developer Tools

3. Version Control with Git and GitHub

Responsive Web Design (4 lectures)
1. Media Queries and Responsive Layouts

2. Flexbox and Grid Layouts

3. Mobile-First Design Principles

4. Cross-Browser Compatibility

Web Accessibility (3 lectures)
1. Principles of Web Accessibility (WCAG Guidelines)

2. Implementing Accessibility Features

3. Testing for Accessibility Compliance

Frontend Frameworks (Optional) (2 lectures)
1. Introduction to Popular Frontend Frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, or Vue.js)

2. Building Projects with Frameworks

Project Work (3 lectures)
1. Applying Concepts to Real-World Projects

2. Collaborative Development

3. Version Control for Team Projects

Final Project (3 lectures)
1. Individual or Group Project

2. Design and Build a Complete Web Application

3. Demonstration and Presentation

Wrap-Up and Review (3 lectures)
1. Recap of Key Concepts

2. Preparing for Further Learning or Job Interviews

3. Career Opportunities in Frontend Development

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is frontend development, and how does it differ from backend development??

Frontend development focuses on creating the user interface and user experience of a website or web application. It deals with what users see and interact with in their web browsers. Backend development, on the other hand, involves server-side programming and database management.

2 . What skills are essential for a frontend developer??

Key skills for frontend developers include proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Knowledge of responsive design, version control systems like Git, and an understanding of web accessibility are also important.

3. What is the Document Object Model (DOM) in JavaScript??

The DOM is a representation of the structure of an HTML document that allows JavaScript to interact with and manipulate web page content dynamically. Developers can use JavaScript to access and modify elements on a webpage, creating interactive experiences.

4. How can I optimize the performance of my frontend code??

Performance optimization techniques include minimizing HTTP requests, optimizing images and other assets, using efficient CSS and JavaScript, and implementing lazy loading for non-essential resources.

5. Which frontend framework should I learn (React, Angular, or Vue.js)??

The choice of framework depends on your specific project needs and personal preferences. React is popular for its component-based architecture, Angular offers a comprehensive ecosystem, and Vue.js is known for its simplicity and ease of learning.

5. Which frontend framework should I learn (React, Angular, or Vue.js)??

The choice of framework depends on your specific project needs and personal preferences. React is popular for its component-based architecture, Angular offers a comprehensive ecosystem, and Vue.js is known for its simplicity and ease of learning.

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₹21000 ₹26000

This course includes
  • Lectures 42
  • Duration 24 weeks
  • Skills All
  • Certificate Yes
  • Discount ₹ 5000

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