C++ Programming

Welcome to the Comprehensive C++ Programming course! This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the C++ programming language.

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C++ Programming

Course description

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the C++ programming language. C++ is a powerful and versatile language widely us...

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the C++ programming language. C++ is a powerful and versatile language widely used in software development, game development, system programming, and more. Throughout this course, students will learn the fundamentals of C++ programming, including syntax, data types, control structures, and object-oriented programming concepts. By the end of the course, students will have the skills to write C++ programs, understand code written in C++, and begin building their own applications.


  • Basic understanding of programming concepts
  • Familiarity with a programming language (e.g., Python, Java, or C)

What you’ll learn

Understand the fundamentals of C++ programming. Learn about object-oriented programming (OOP) principles in C++. Develop the ability to design and implement C++ applications. Gain proficiency in solving programming problems using C++.


Introduction to C++ (4 lectures)
1. Overview of C++ and its history

2. Setting up a development environment (IDEs, compilers)

3. Writing and running a simple C++ program

4. Basic Input/Output (I/O)

Control Flow and Functions (4 lectures)
1. Variables, constants, and data types

2. Numeric types: int, float, double

3. Characters and strings

4. Type casting and conversions

Arrays and Pointers (4 lectures)
1. Declaring and using arrays

2. Accessing array elements

3. Multidimensional arrays

4. C-style strings vs. C++ strings

Control Structures (4 lectures)
1. Conditional statements (if, else if, else)

2. Switch statement

3. Looping structures (for, while, do-while)

4. Break and continue statements

Functions and Scope (4 lectures)
1. Defining and using functions

2. Function parameters and return values

3. Function overloading

4. Scope and lifetime of variables

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) (4 lectures)
1. Introduction to OOP principles

2. Classes and objects

3. Constructors and destructors

4. Member functions and data members

Inheritance and Polymorphism (4 lectures)
1. Inheritance and its types

2. Base and derived classes

3. Polymorphism and virtual functions

4. Function overriding and abstract classes

Standard Template Library (STL) (4 lectures)
1. Overview of STL containers (vectors, lists, maps, etc.)

2. Algorithms and iterators

3. STL algorithms (sort, find, etc.)

4. Custom data structures using STL

Exception Handling and File I/O (4 lectures)
1. Exception handling: try, catch, throw

2. Creating custom exceptions

3. Reading and writing files in C++

4. Error handling with file I/O

Advanced Topics (4 lectures)
1. Templates and generic programming

2. Introduction to C++11, C++14, and C++17 features

3. Smart pointers and memory management

4. Best practices and coding standards

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is this C++ course for??

This course is designed for beginners and intermediate-level programmers who want to learn C++ from scratch or enhance their existing skills.

2. What are the prerequisites for enrolling in the C++ course??

You should have a basic understanding of programming concepts and be familiar with a programming language like Python, Java, or C.

3. What topics are covered in the course curriculum??

Our C++ course covers topics like variables, data types, control structures, functions, object-oriented programming, and more. You can find the detailed curriculum on our course page.

4. How long does it typically take to complete the C++ course??

The course duration varies, but most students complete it within [12 months]. Your progress depends on your dedication and time commitment.

5. Where will the classes be conducted? What are the course timings???

The courses will be offline only.

6. Can I do this program along with my college???

Yes, you can! Our course is flexible and designed such that students can pursue it as per their schedule.

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